Soundable Health is leading the discovery of digital audio biomarkers.
When sounds meet AI technology,
novel digital audio biomarkers are discovered.
Soundable Health is a digital health startup that provides innovative health & lifestyle monitoring solutions using everyday sounds. With its unsurpassed AI sound analytics, Soundable Health is leading the discovery and development of new digital audible biomarkers that can be detected using smartphones. These new audible biomarkers pioneered by Soundable Health range across diverse medical fields and lifestyles, including sounds associated with sleep quality, respiratory cough symptoms, prostatic symptoms, and more.
New digital biomarker discoveries for
underserved chronic diseases
There are chronic symptoms that have been well addressed and successfully managed with various monitoring solutions in traditional healthcare. There still are, however, many chronic conditions that lack accessible monitoring tools. Technological disruption comes in with Soundable Health in these areas where they can be better served and managed by discovering new ways of monitoring symptoms.
At Soundable Health, we are pioneering to discover new digital audio biomarkers in the areas that have been traditionally underserved and strive to advance the early detection and improved symptom management.
Product Pipeline
Soundable Health has a detailed product development roadmap with the clear vision of advancing medical / wellness areas with our innovative AI sound analytics technology. With the first product, proudP, successfully launched and deployed in urology clinics with great feedback from the medical community in the US, we plan to release a series of products in many areas to enable early detection, symptom management and patient-led self care. Stay tuned for our exciting next step!